Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling Clarence William Henry
1835 - 1920
Gardiner Mary Katherine "Kate"
1847 - 1928
Garling Harold Ward
1872 - 1941
Maclean Isabella Alice Gore
1878 - 1969
Garling Elspeth M.
1915 - 1916




Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling Arthur Crawford (96)
1838 - 1914
Rushby Annie (97)
1841 - 1909
Garling Albert Edward Hawkshaw
Shumack Sarah A.
Garling Elva Jean
Rogers John A._Rogers Alan__




Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling Emma Eugene
1836 - 1898
Campbell Francis George_Campbell Louisa__ (1856 - 1857)
Campbell Mildred__ (1858)
Campbell Percival J__ (1859 - 1859)
Campbell North D__ (1860 - 1861)
Campbell Arthur H__ (1861 - 1861)
Campbell Owen F__ (1862)
Campbell Lawrence G__ (1863 - 1863)
Campbell Bertha Ethel Alice__ (1865 - 1942)




Garling Arthur Frederick (48)
1861 - 1924
Marshall Minnie Christina (49)
1867 - 1946
Garling Arthur Barnado (24)
1889 - 1975
Maguire Hilda N M (25)
1890 - 1975
Garling Max Frederick (12)
1915 - 1999
O'Halloran Patricia (13)
Garling Judge Anthony Frederick
Hall Jane Ann
Garling Emma Susan
Janssen Peter_Janssen Sophie Jane__ (1999)




Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling William Mylam Nicholas
1841 - 1929
Pitt Jessie
? - 1887
Garling Darcy Chesterfield
1872 - 1953
Thomas Mary Ann
1871 - 1915
Garling Esme Jean




Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling William Mylam Nicholas
1841 - 1929
Pitt Jessie
? - 1887
Garling Darcy Chesterfield
1872 - 1953
Thomas Mary Ann
1871 - 1915
Garling Evelyn Doreen




Garling Clarence William Henry
1835 - 1920
Gardiner Mary Katherine "Kate"
1847 - 1928
Garling Gerald
1884 - 1950
Fletcher Mary Cameron
1885 - 1915
Garling Frederick Peter Fletcher
1912 - 1985
McVicar Margaret Isabel
1915 - 2004
Garling Ian Robert McVicar
Wilson Marcelle Anne Pettit
Garling Felicity Danielle
Lucock Jason_ (1973)Lucock Danielle__ (1997)
Lucock Joshua Robert__ (2007)
Lucock Mitchell__ (2011)




Garling Nicolaus (3072)
Unknown ? (3073)
Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling Francis




Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling Frederica Elizabeth
1830 - 1910
Aldrich William_ (? - 1887)Aldrich Pelham H E__ (1861 - 1917)
Aldrich Clarence W__ (1863 - 1939)
Aldrich Amy A F__ (1864)
Aldrich Susan Elizabeth S__ (1867)
Aldrich Amelia M J__ (1869 - 1926)
Aldrich Jaenette__




Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling Clarence William Henry
1835 - 1920
Gardiner Mary Katherine "Kate"
1847 - 1928
Garling Frederick Hubert
1874 - 1917
Sowden Julia Gertrude_Garling Mary Sowden__ (1908 - 1990)
Garling Doris Gertrude__ (1910)
Garling Clarence Herbert Sowden (Hugh)__ (1911)
Garling Joyce Sowden__ (1912 - 1952)




Garling Nicolaus (3072)
Unknown ? (3073)
Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)_ (1809 - 1880)Garling Frederica Elizabeth__ (1830 - 1910)
Garling Adelaide Sophia__ (1831 - 1901)
Garling Frederick Augustus__ (1833 - 1910)
Garling Clarence William Henry__ (1835 - 1920)
Garling Emma Eugene__ (1836 - 1898)
Garling Arthur Crawford (96)__ (1838 - 1914)
Garling William Mylam Nicholas__ (1841 - 1929)
Garling Edward Metcalf__ (1844 - 1845)
Garling George Australia__ (1846 - 1927)
Garling Blanche Jane__ (1848 - 1917)
Garling Septimus Stubbs__ (1851 - 1905)




Garling Nicolaus (3072)
Unknown ? (3073)
Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Wilkinson Sarah Olivia_ (1807 - 1840) 
Spratt Elisabeth (385)_ (1776 - 1828)Garling Elizabeth__ (1802 - 1838)
Garling Caroline Ann (Dolcibella)__ (1803 - 1835)
Garling Sophia__ (1804 - 1856)
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)__ (1806 - 1863)
Garling Sarah A.__ (1807 - 1840)
Garling Jane__ (1808)
Garling Nicholas__ (1809 - 1840)




Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling George Australia
1846 - 1927
Wright Kate Elvina
Garling George Frederick
Meinke Elsie Pearl
1886 - 1975
Garling Frederick Arlington
1907 - 1929




Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling Frederick Augustus
1833 - 1910




Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling Clarence William Henry
1835 - 1920
Gardiner Mary Katherine "Kate"
1847 - 1928
Garling Gerald
1884 - 1950
Fletcher Mary Cameron
1885 - 1915
Garling Frederick Peter Fletcher
1912 - 1985
McVicar Margaret Isabel_ (1915 - 2004)Garling Ian Robert McVicar__ (1941)
Garling Mary Elizabeth__ (1944)
Garling Barbara Jean__ (1947)
Garling Ross William McVicar__ (1949)
Garling Donald James McVicar__ (1956)




Garling Nicolaus (3072)
Unknown ? (3073)
Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling John Frederick
Burr Caroline
Garling Frederick




Garling Nicolaus (1536)
? - 1762
Ewen Susannah (nee Mylam) (1537)
1709 - 1796
Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling George Australia
1846 - 1927
Wright Kate Elvina_ (1855)Garling Clarendon Stewart__ (1877 - 1878)
Garling Blanche Eugene__ (1878 - 1962)
Garling George Frederick__ (1880)
Garling Cyril V__ (1881 - 1894)
Garling Septimus William__ (1883 - 1950)
Garling Gloria Frederica Olive__ (1883 - 1986)
Garling Adelaide__ (1886)
Garling Alfred B__ (1893)




Garling Nicholas (768)
1741 - 1828
? Elizabeth (769)
1744 - 1815
Garling Frederick (Snr) (384)
1775 - 1848
Spratt Elisabeth (385)
1776 - 1828
Garling Frederick (Jnr) (192)
1806 - 1863
Ward Elizabeth (193)
1809 - 1880
Garling George Australia
1846 - 1927
Wright Kate Elvina
Garling George Frederick
Meinke Elsie Pearl_ (1886 - 1975)Garling Frederick Arlington__ (1907 - 1929)
Garling Kathleen O__ (1908)
Garling Doreen Elvina__ (1909)
Garling John S__ (1910)
Garling Gwendoline M__ (1912)
Garling Leslie Gordon Stewart__ (1916 - 1942)



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