Harper Arthur Edward_ + Garling Blanche Jane_
Harper Ruth__
Harper Violette Beatrice_
harper Wilfred Edward_
Hicks Russell_Hicks Judge David_Hicks Roslyn__

Aldrich William_ + Garling Frederica Elizabeth_
Aldrich Pelham H E__
Aldrich Clarence W_
Aldrich Amy A F_
Aldrich Susan Elizabeth S__
Aldrich Amelia M J_
Aldrich Jaenette_
Aldrich Ada A M_Aldrich Amy E M_Aldrich Charles F_
Dowling Dorothy_Dowling Hilda M_Dowling Stuart M_Dowling William J_Dowling George E_Dowling Bessie_

Cox Sloper_ + Garling Adelaide Sophia_
Cox Eleanor Adelaide_
Cox Florence Louisa_
Cox Frederick William Sloper__
Cox Clarence Hobart_
Cox Alice Victoria Victoria__
Cox Sloper Piper_
Cox Ida Jean Elizabeth_
Cox Oscar_
Cox Lily Alice Standish_Cox Millicent Margaret Standish_Cox Edward King Standish_Cox Mary Standish_Cox Beatrice Standish_Cox Myles Standish_Cox Alice_Cox Philippa_

Campbell Francis George_ + Garling Emma Eugene_
Campbell Louisa_
Campbell Mildred_
Campbell Percival J_
Campbell North D_
Campbell Arthur H_
Campbell Owen F_
Campbell Lawrence G_
Campbell Bertha Ethel Alice__
Kinghorn Alan B_

Garling Horace Milton_ + Hanchel Augusta Selma_
Garling Roger Marshall_

Garling Arthur Barnado (24)_ + Maguire Hilda N M (25)_
Garling Max Frederick (12)__
Garling Gordon Ross__
Garling Judge Anthony Frederick__Garling Max Michael (6)__Garling Kim Adrian__Garling Peter Richard__
Garling Ann_Garling John_

Garling Adrian Chester Master_ + Craske Hazel Gertrude_
Garling Jennifer Anne_

Garling Henry Chester Master_ + Harper Violette Beatrice_
Garling Hope Chester Master__
Garling Adrian Chester Master__
Garling Lucienne Chester Master_
Garling Leslie Chester Master_
Power Caroline_Power Michael_
Garling Jennifer Anne_

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